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UNICEF Rights Respecting School

Our Rights Respecting School Journey

What Is It, And Why Are We Taking Part?

At Combs Ford Primary School, our aim is to ensure our pupils become:

  • Successful learners.
  • Confident individuals.
  • Responsible citizens.

With this in mind, the school applied to become a UNICEF Rights Respecting School in September 2023. This award aims to create safe and inspiring places to learn, where children are respected, their talents are nurtured, and they are able to thrive, whilst giving children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens – a perfect match with our vision here at Combs Ford Primary School!

Image of the First Article from the UN's Convention On The Rights Of The Child: Definition of a child

Image of the 42nd Article from the UN's Convention On The Rights Of The Child: Everyone Must Know Children's Rights

What does the Award involve?

The Right Respecting Schools Award (RRSA) recognises achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) at the heart of a school’s planning, policies, practice and ethos.

Find copies of the CRC here:

For a school to receive accreditation, it must evidence that it has reached the three RRSA Strands:

Schools involved in the Rights Respecting Schools Award work towards three levels:

  • Bronze - Rights Committed - The first stage of the Rights Respecting Schools Award.
  • Silver - Rights Aware - The second stage of the Rights Respecting Schools Award.
  • Gold - Rights Respecting - The highest stage of the Rights Respecting Schools Award (after Bronze: Rights Committed and Silver: Rights Aware). It is granted by UNICEF UK to schools that have fully embedded children’s rights throughout the school in its policies, practice and ethos, as outlined in the three RRSA Strands.

Find out more about the UNICEF Rights Respecting School Award here:

Image of 5 core components of the UNICEF RRS program: universal, inherent, inalienable, unconditional, indivisible

What have we achieved so far?

Bronze Award

Our journey began in September 2023, when Mrs King introduced the UN Convention On The Rights Of The Child to staff and pupils via assemblies and meetings with staff. Within days, children were busy learning all about their rights, and we even held a special off-timetable, fun-filled afternoon to familiarise ourselves with these! The children also identified which rights they felt were most important to them and other children across the globe. As a school, we have voted and agreed on our top five, which we will entitle The Combs Ford Five. These five rights will be focussed on in school discussion, and as we continue our journey, we will look into how we can support children to ensure these rights are met! Please have a look at the chosen ‘Combs Ford Five’ below.

Combs Ford Five:

  • Article 12 – Children have the right to express their opinion freely on matters that affect them.
  • Article 27 – Children have the right to food, clothing and a safe place to live.
  • Article 28 – Every child has the right to an education.
  • Article 31 – Every child has the right to rest, relax and play.
  • Article 38 – Children have the right to be protected during war.

Image of the UN Convention On The Rights Of The Child

Rainbow Rights Rangers

Image of the Rights Dinosaurs.

Next, Mrs King recruited two members from each year group (years 1-6) to be part of a steering group. A mascot was designed and 12 pupils joined forces to become: Rainbow Rights Rangers. Together we act a bit like a school council; aiming to improve our school, whilst actioning our Rights Respecting Schools action plan.

Find out more about what our role is here:


As you wander around our school you’ll notice some of our amazing displays linked to the Rights Respecting School Award.

Image of a poster displaying the principles of the UNCRC.

Image of a student-made classroom display showing a few key articles of the UNCRC.

Image of a student-made classroom display showing the key articles of the UNCRC.

Hooray - Our First Award

Image of our students celebrating achieving the Bronze award

After a few months of hard work from staff and pupils, we were delighted to be awarded “Bronze – Rights Committed” in December 2023.

What next? Silver Award

The journey is only just beginning and we have set to work on achieving silver already!

To achieve Silver, we will be working towards the following aims:

Strand A: Teaching and learning about rights
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is made known to children, young people and adults, who use this shared understanding to work for improved child wellbeing, school improvement, global justice and sustainable living.

Strand B: Teaching and learning through rights – ethos and relationships
Actions and decisions affecting children are rooted in, reviewed and resolved through rights. Children, young people and adults collaborate to develop and maintain a school community based on equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and participation; this includes learning and teaching in a way that respects the rights of both educators and learners and promotes wellbeing.

Strand C: Teaching and learning for rights – participation, empowerment and action
Children are empowered to enjoy and exercise their rights and to promote the rights of others locally and globally. Duty bearers are accountable for ensuring that children experience their rights.

Keep your eyes peeled for more exciting updates here…


UNRRS Leader: Mrs Holly King

Page reviewed on 19/08/24 by KJD.