Our School Council
Combs Ford Primary School Council
At the start of the school year, each class elects a school council representative to attend regular meetings, giving the children a voice in making decisions for the school.
As a School Council it is our role to try to make the school the best place it can be for the pupils and teachers at the school. Each class has a representative who attends meetings and a deputy rep if they are unable to attend. The Year 6 pupils hold Officer Roles. We meet fortnightly to discuss issues that have been raised. So far this year we have organised a cake sale and raised £181.30, designed a new buddy bench for the playground and written to the local Men’s Shed asking if they could help with this. We have also spoken to the Governors about the school and we welcomed the Mayor to officially open the school library.
Page reviewed on 18/08/24 by KJD.